Thursday 10 December 2009

Weakest at the Knees Link

Back in August I reported on a challenge I had set Wainwright - to have his picture taken with a celebrity. Yesterday Wainwright came a step nearer to achieving his goal.

Last week I received a phone call from Ross, a researcher for The Weakest Link. Ross wanted to chat about the application to go on the show that I made in the summer. He then invited Wainwright and me to audition in Hull.

The audition was yesterday morning, but Wainwright had a few problems on his journey. We took the train and Wainwright got knocked about a bit in my rucksack. When we arrived in Hull Wainwright had suffered a recurrence of his old knee injuries and he was in two pieces. Both knees are so badly damaged that I'm thinking of calling him Bullard instead.

Luckily, WH Smith in the station sold superglue and after several attempts I was able to get Wainwright fit enough to audition.

There were nine of us at the audition, all men. It took two hours and I found it be both nerve-wracking and enjoyable.

There were two ladies, both young and attractive, in charge and during the course of the audition one of them took on the mantle of Anne Robinson. After introductions there was a twenty question general knowledge quiz for which 3 minutes were allowed.

Then the fun began as we all stood up to play a round of the game itself. I did get one question wrong but managed to escape the attention of the others and nobody voted for me as the Weakest Link.

During all of this Wainwright stood silently at my feet. He became far more involved in the last part of the audition. This was a piece to camera where the Anne Robinson stand-in asked a series of vicious questions and made remarks about me, testing my response. The purpose of this exercise is to allow the producers of the show to see how potential contestants look in front of the camera. I was asked to hold Wainwright up for the camera to see him throughout this part.

I managed to laugh off most of what was said to me even though 'Anne' resorted to comments about my age, my hairline, my figure and my clothes. Surely the real Anne would not bother with such cheap tricks?

That was it. If Wainwright and I were successful then there will be a letter in the next couple of weeks from the BBC. Then it is a case of waiting to see if we can be 'jig-sawed' into the show.

Although he remained silent throughout, it was clear that Wainwright was the main attraction for the researchers and if we get on the show it will be because of him, not me.

I do hope the audition has been successful and if we are invited to the show then it will be yet another exciting event in a pretty amazing year. I do worry though that under pressure it might not only be Wainwright that goes weak at the knees and falls to pieces. I hope the BBC keep lots of superglue.

Live long and prosper.

1 comment:

  1. OMG I can't wait to see you on the box - just don't do the first round walk of shame, I couldn't bear it!

    This would be her response to me I think: Who's denser than Sherwood Forest? Time to vote off the WEAKEST link!
