Thursday 30 April 2009

The Early Bird

The person who confesses ignorance shows it once; the person who conceals it shows it many times.

Japanese proverb

It appears to me that every good blog must have a list. So, as have been enjoying new-found fitness lately and as the time for my first 10k run approaches I thought a list of films that inspire you to become more active would be appropriate. Here it is:


American Beauty

Sorry, that's it. I can't think of any more, but if you can then please feel free to tell me.

Rocky is there because of the stirring theme tune, the one that comes on in all the Rocky films at the point where he suddenly decides to get himself fit and take on the next lethal opponent. I downloaded it on to the MP3 player I take out running with me. I look upon it as being like the new KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery System) that is being used in Formula 1 cars this season, to give an added boost every now and then. I figure that when I reach a point where I am slowly grinding to halt in my run, too tired to go on, I play the Rocky track. Suddenly, my legs are pumping like pistons and I'm powering my way up the steps of City Hall and punching the air. Rocky! Rocky Rocky!

American Beauty is the story of a middle aged guy called Lester Bangs (Kevin Spacey), who ditches his dull job and embarks on a liberating journey of self-discovery. This includes transforming his old, flabby self into that of the well toned athlete. At one point his neighbours, impressed by seeing him out running, ask Lester what he is aiming for - firmer abs, pumped up biceps etc. Lester replies simply - 'I just want to look good naked'. Me too.

And with this aim in mind I was up at 5.30 this morning and set off on a very rewarding run across the common land that is not too far from my house. The 10k I am running in on 10th May goes over this land and I wanted to see if I could handle the small climb it entails. The run was rewarding because I saw so many things and apart from the odd motorist I was the only one daft enough to be out there at that time of the morning. I saw dozens of bunnies and was pleased to see the cows and sheep back grazing. A sure sign that summer is just around the corner. There was also a very good sighting of a sparrowhawk, who was out hunting for his breakfast. As I ran downhill and headed for home along the footpath I ran towards a very attractive young lady. As we drew level she gave me a huge beaming smile and bade me good morning. I'd like to think that she was somehow impressed or was imaging me naked (come to think of it, she could have been laughing, not smiling). Whatever thoughts were going through her head that single act of human kindness lifted my spirit and made me glad I'd forced myself out of bed. God bless you young lady, whoever you are.

Finally, on the subject of lifting spirits, I am attending a Buddhist retreat this weekend and I am looking forward to it very much. The place I am going is a Buddhist community about 20 miles away. Some of the people who live there are ordained as monks and others just live there. It is one of the happiest, welcoming and peaceful places I know.

I am not particularly religious, but what I like about the Buddhists I have met is they don't just talk the talk, they walk the walk too. By that I mean they live very simple lives and are very accepting of others. They are happy to answer questions but never evangelize.

The centre is called Madhyamaka. Here is the link if you wish to know more:

The centre dosn't just host weekend retreats, it also has longer courses or you can just call in for a coffee and a slice of cake in the World Peace Cafe. For me, as soon as I begin to pass along the driveway towards the house I feel this deep sense of peace and relaxation descend upon me. It is a very magical place.

I will report on the weekend in my next blog if I'm not too chilled out to type.

Live long and prosper.

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