Tuesday 20 April 2010

Deja Vue

There was an intense feeling of Deja Vue about yesterday. It was a warm, sunny day and I was staying in a hostel with a perceived need to keep my costs down. I had decisions to make about my day.

This is exactly the situation I faced a couple of months back in Adelaide. This time it is Berlin.

If you read my blog on Adelaide then you may recall that I was rather sunburnt and opted for a quiet day, mooching around the art gallery and then reading a book in the shade of the park. Cheap, but not very exciting. In hindsight I regretted that decision and felt I should have at least gone to the zoo where there were two giant pandas on loan from China. Where else would I see pandas?

The universe it seems has used an errupting volcano to put me back in exactly the same situation and allow me to change my decision.

This time I stepped out of the hostel in the morning, Roddy Doyle's The Van tucked in my rucksac, and took a pleasant stroll through the nearby Tiergarten, all the while heading west towards an attraction right at the edge of the large park. Berlin Zoo.

It cost just over 11 euros to enter, hardly breaking the bank of this stranded traveller.

The zoo is very large and well kept. And much to my joy one of the incumbents was a very dashing chap named Bau Bau - a giant panda. I spent quite a while with him while he munched his way through a bucket of carrots. I know it was a him as he had the most enormous testicles. They were sprawled on the ground in front of him as he sat upright to enjoy his snack. He seemed rather proud of them.

It was a lazy, restful day spent wandering around the zoo and picking out my favourite animals. It made me realise, if I needed reminding, how lucky I am. Most of the big animals at the zoo I have seen in the wild - lion, leopard, elephant, crocodile, rhino, giraffe, zebra and the numerous species of antelope and bush buck.

It was good to see the animals so close and marvel at their beauty. I particularly love leopards and one at the zoo obligingly stirred himself to wander around in front of me and show off his beautiful markings. The last time I saw a leopard was in Kenya. She was very elusive and we only came close to her once. Even then I was on the wrong side of the truck and didn't get a good photo of her.

Despite that elusiveness and uncertainty I would opt to see an animal in the wild every time. It is the difference between a photo and a film. In a zoo you can watch the animals for a prolonged period, burning every nuance of their appearance into your mind. But in the wild there is drama. The leopard we saw was elusive for a reason. She was hunting. Trying to find the best vantage point to attack a group of very wary impala that were nearby.

I enjoyed my relaxing day at the zoo but I'd sooner have tension and drama, even when I'm on the wrong side of the bus.

As I write this airplane engines are starting up all over Europe and I am optimistic about getting home on Thursday. My flight back to Liverpool is due to leave early on Thursday evening. If it doesn't fly then I will face a spot of bother as I go to the back of a long queue. There were people I met over the weekend who were due to fly out last Thursday and then were given new flights on Monday. Obviously those didn't go either so I assume they have new flights allocated but not until the weekend. I got the last seat on my flight.

I fear not being offered a flight until early next week. That will test my decision making as whilst I am comfortable and happy at the moment I really do want to go home and watch Hull City get relegated.

At the risk of confusing you, dear reader, my intention for my next blog is to go back the start of my visit and tell you one or two interesting things about Berlin. Did Hitler really only have one ball? Find out next time.

Live long and prosper.


  1. Good luck getting home - looks like things are on the move again. I've never really enjoyed zoos - I'm not anti or anything like that, but I guess I remember seeing a beautiful tiger once in a relatively small enclosure at a zoo and all it did was walk around in circles round the perimeter all day along a very worn track. A pitiful sight. But I guess things have changed now and there's much more emphasis on conservation of species which is important considering man has wiped out so much.
    Take care

  2. Yup, zoos are not ideal RLS. Mainly it comes down to the quality of the zoo. In Berlin it occupies a very large space (I know, I walked all around it trying to find the entrance) so the animals have space too.

    It also depends on the animal. A lion cub in captivity has a much better chance of survival in a zoo than in the wild. But what if you are the alpha male, the true king of the beasts? Surely it is better and more dignified to roam your territory than be banged up even if your life is shorter. Better to burn out than to fade away, that's my motto (stolen from Highlander).

    More answer to your previous comment didn't publish. No, I didn't taste dogfish. I thought they were very beautiful - miniature sharks. I was very glad to get the hook out and throw them back.

    The larger cod took swallowed the hook so I had to kill him. Very tasty!
