Wednesday 4 November 2009

Taking Stock

Incredibly, it's been 4 months since I left work. That's a third of a gap year. It seems like a good point to take stock of what has been happening.

I took time out to refresh like I had planned and now my day has more structure to it. I have yet to feel bored. Indeed, the list of things waiting to be done seems as long as ever. I still haven't cleared out the garage or tackled the painting jobs I have been meaning to do.

To date the travel has worked out brilliantly. Everywhere I have gone has been special and has meant something different. The best part has been the good friends I have met along the way.

It isn't just new friends that have made this part of my life special, it's the old ones too.

As I have commented before, time is different now. For example when I walk my dog in the morning there is no urgency to get home to go to work. This allows me time to have nice conversations with other dog walkers and realise that there are good people all around.

I am also grateful to my former friends and work colleagues who go out of their way to keep me 'in the loop' and to stay in touch through emails or invitations for drinks and meals. It's ironic that I've never really liked work Christmas do's but I'm really looking forward to them this year!

On the negative side, the Extras work that so filled me with enthusiasm has not come to anything. I am beginning to doubt it ever will. There was a phone call in August but I was out with my daughter and missed it. Had I answered it I would have got a walk-on part on Emmerdale Farm. What alarmed me was the text I got afterwards telling me how I had missed out on a valuable opportunity because I didn't answer my phone. I found the text insulting and it brought home a very valid point. That in the world of Extras work I am nothing and my agent is God, or thinks he is. If that's how it works then I don't want any part of it.

What I really like about my life since leaving work is getting up the morning and being my own boss. It's great not to have to pander to the egos of others, dance around office politics or be constantly reminded of the hierarchy and where I fit into it. I can't put a value on that, but it's certainly worth more than 5 seconds as man in pub on Emmerdale.

I apologise for ending this on a low note but I have cancelled my trip to Hong Kong and Vietnam. I was due to fly to Asia next week.

My elderly father was admitted to hospital 2 weeks ago. He is not responding to treatment. I had a long discussion with the Registrar yesterday and although there are no certainties the prognosis is not good. It would be pure folly for me to embark on a journey that was scheduled to last almost a month at this time.

So, sorry, I won't be posting news of my Vietnam Adventure on here in the near future.

Live long and prosper.

1 comment:

  1. Hello MAG

    I was very sorry to hear about your dad and will think about him in my meditation tonight and yourself and your family and those who care for him will also be in my thoughts.

    Your trip opportunity may come again in time, you're just a travelling sprog! You have the bug and you'll make it eventually.

    I think the Extras team could do with a bit of care, compassion and citizen focus training.

    Take care
